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Egg, Sperm, Embryo Cryopreservation in India

Have you experienced failure in the IVF cycle?

Are you going for any medical or surgical treatment that may affect your fertility?

Are you diagnosed with cancer and willing to save your fertility before going for chemotherapy and radiation?

If yes, then Cryopreservation in India can significantly address the above issues and also help in your fertility problems.

What is Cryopreservation?

The cryopreservation method has been in use for decades in various medical fields. Cryopreservation involves freezing biological material at extremely low temperatures, i.e., at -196°C/-321°F in liquid nitrogen. It entirely freezes all the cellular activities. It even stops the biochemical reactions that may lead to DNA degradation and cell loss. 

The cryopreservation technique is useful in freezing and thawing the eggs, sperms, or embryos utilized in the IVF or ICSI cycle. Also, we can use the cryopreserved sperms in the IUI fertility technique.

what is Cryopreservation

Cryopreservation for Social Reasons

  • Individuals who work in life or fertility threatening conditions prefer to store their eggs, sperm, or embryos. 
  • Many women are not ready to have children due to social factors such as career, education, travel, and relationships. In such situations, maternal age then becomes a factor in achieving parenthood. 
  • However, with egg and embryo cryopreservation, women can take a proactive role in protecting their future fertility.

Cryopreservation Before Cancer Treatment

  • People may prefer cryopreservation in India for various reasons, the most urgent being impending cancer treatments. 
  • Cancer and its treatments immensely affect your body. Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery can all be lethal to the ovaries and testicles. Hence, it can damage fertility or cause infertility while killing cancer cells. 
  • Egg, embryo, or ovarian tissue freezing can be considered by females who complete their cancer treatment are concerned about going into early menopause and are not ready to start a family.

Oocyte, Sperm, or Embryo Cryopreservation:

1. Oocyte Cryopreservation or Egg Freezing

Oocyte cryopreservation enables using frozen eggs at any desired time in the future. When you are ready for pregnancy, you can utilize these cryopreserved eggs to achieve pregnancy.

Who needs egg freezing?

Women can preserve their eggs if they, 

  • Have not found their partners yet.
  • Are not willing to start a family soon.
  • Want to marry late or conceive later.
  • Are diagnosed with cancer that needs chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
  • Want to preserve eggs for future fertilization with a donor’s sperm.


Egg Freezing Process

Oocyte cryopreservation involves the following steps:

  • Ovarian stimulation

Our fertility expert will give medicines or injectables to stimulate your ovaries to produce eggs.

  • Egg retrieval

First, our specialist will retrieve the eggs under mild sedation.

Our fertility expert will insert a transvaginal ultrasound probe into the vagina to locate the follicles.

Next, they will place a needle to retrieve the eggs from the follicles. Our fertility expert will retrieve around 10-15 eggs depending upon the ovarian reserve of each patient.

  • Egg Freezing 

Retrieved eggs are frozen to a sub-zero temperature to store them for future use. 


Decreases risks of congenital deformities that may increase with maternal age, mainly when you are 35 years or older. 

You can cryopreserve the remaining eggs utilized in an IVF cycle, for future use.

2. Sperm Cryopreservation or Sperm freezing 

Sperm cryopreservation or sperm freezing is a simple, proven technique of storing sperms for future use. Sperm can survive through freezing indefinitely. 

Who needs Sperm freezing?

Men freeze their sperm if,

  • They have a low sperm count
  • They need a vasectomy or any other surgery that may affect their fertility.
  • Diagnosed with Cancer and needs chemotherapy or radiation treatment.


Sperm Cryopreservation

  • The male partner gives the semen sample. 
  • Further, our expert technicians examine the sperm’s quantity and quality. 
  • Then, transfer the high-quality sperms for the cryopreservation process.


  • A man can preserve his fertility for later use.

3. Embryo Cryopreservation

Embryo freezing is an efficient and successful process for conserving a couple’s fertility for later use. 

Who needs Embryo freezing?

Embryo freezing requires a sperm. Hence, it is an option for women who,

  • Are married.
  • Have a committed partner.
  • Are willing to use donor sperm. 


Embryo Cryopreservation

  • Our fertility expert will give injectable or oral medicines to the woman to induce eggs’ release. 
  • Then, they will incubate the retrieved eggs with the sperms to enable fertilization. 
  • The fertilized eggs or embryos are cryopreserved after three to five days of fertilization.


  • Embryo cryopreservation gives you another chance to become pregnant if you have experienced failure in the previous IVF cycle.
  • So, you don’t have to repeat the whole IVF procedure. Hence, it saves your time, stress, and expenses.
  • It also helps to save women’s fertility who are not ready for pregnancy and desire to focus on their careers or higher education. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any side-effects of Cryopreservation?

Cryopreservation and IVF are safe and prominent techniques. Research has revealed that oocyte, sperm, or embryo cryopreservation doesn't show any adverse effects. Babies born with frozen eggs, sperms, or embryos do not carry any congenital deformity.

What is the perfect age for oocyte cryopreservation?

Women are born with a fixed number of eggs. Their egg pool and fertility start reducing from the age of 36 to 40 years. Therefore, it is advisable to choose oocyte freezing as early as 36 years for a better pregnancy. 

How long can we freeze the embryos?

The standard storage duration for embryos is typically ten years. But, in some cases, women can freeze their embryos for up to 50 to 55 years of their age.

Prenatal sex determination & sex selection is illegal in India and not done here. It is a punishable offence.

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