Laser Assisted Hatching

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Laser Assisted Hatching (LAH) in India

Are you struggling to conceive due to unsuccessful implantation?

Have you suffered multiple IVF failures?

Laser-assisted hatching is an advanced technique mostly used along with IVF to increase the chances of embryo implantation in the uterus wall. 

What is Embryo Hatching?

Hatching is a natural process that helps your embryo to implant into the uterus wall successfully. During development, a fertilized egg (embryo) forms an outer cover called the zona pellucida. The embryo must hatch or break out of the shell and implant or attach it to the uterus’ lining to achieve pregnancy. 

Less the difficulties in embryo hatching, the more its chances of implanting on the uterus’s wall. Failure in hatching is a rare condition of infertility. 

What is Laser-Assisted Hatching (LAH)?

Laser-assisted hatching is the most advanced IVF technique. It involves creating a gap in the embryo’s hard outer covering, making it easy to implant. In most IVF cases, the embryo implants in the womb effectively. 

But sometimes, the embryo fails to hatch and implant, resulting in a failed IVF cycle. In some cases, the outer layer thickens with the freezing and thawing process, i.e. Cryopreservation. 

The primary goal of LAH is to overcome all the odds that are preventing implantation or successful pregnancy. 


Who is suitable for Laser-Assisted Hatching?

Laser assisted hatching in India may improve the pregnancy rate in the following conditions:

  • If you had two or more unsuccessful IVF cycles

In IVF, a fertilized egg cannot guarantee you a pregnancy. In such cases, the egg may not have hatched and fails to attach to the womb.

  • If you produce high levels of FSH 

Women who secrete a high level of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) tend to form eggs with a hardcover.

  • The quality of your embryo is low.

Deficient quality embryos fail to hatch and implant to the uterine wall.

  • If you have frozen or preserved your embryos 

Cryopreserved or frozen embryos may develop a hard-outer layer (zona pellucida), making it challenging to hatch and implant.

  • When your age is 38 or older

Older women tend to produce eggs with thick zona pellucida or outer shell.

The actual process of Laser Assisted Hatching:

Process of Laser Assisted Hatching

  • During the IVF or ICSI cycle, the fertilized eggs are kept in the lab for two to five days for developing into an embryo. 
  • Usually, after the third or fourth day, we perform the process of laser-assisted hatching.
  • In the LAH procedure, our embryologist uses a specialized low energy laser beam to produce a gap in the shell (zona pellucida) through which the embryo can come out. 
  • Creating a small break in the zona pellucida seems like a simple technique, but it requires precise procedures and skilled technicians to perform it. 
  • Our embryologist then transfers the processed embryo into the uterus to attach itself to the wall and continue growing. The entire process needs only a few seconds. 

What are the advantages of Laser Assisted Hatching?

A laser is superior compared to other forms of assisted hatching such as chemical and manual, thanks to various advantages:

  • The significant benefit for which experts recommend LAH is, it increases the possibilities of implantation, pregnancy, and birth rates.
  • It is gentle and safe, with no adverse effects on the embryo.
  • Less manual handling of the embryo hence the fewer risk of any damage to the embryo.
  • Quick and accurate control over the drilling of the shell opening.
  • Rare or no risk of congenital disabilities in the babies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any risks associated with laser-assisted hatching?
  • LAH can result in multiple pregnancies. Usually, IVF is associated with multiple pregnancies, and the LAH method can increase this risk. 
  • It may lead to high-risk pregnancies but detected in less than 1% of cases.
  • Sometimes, even after LAH, the embryo can fail to hatch completely.
How long after implantation will you get a positive result?
  • If you are pregnant, then your body needs time to produce detectable levels of HCG hormone.
  • It typically takes seven to twelve days after the implantation of an egg to show positive results. 
What are the signs of failed implantation?
  • Vaginal bleeding 
  • Pain in the abdomen 
  • Discomfort in the pelvic region, or even the shoulder

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